Kristina, congratulations again on winning the Inspiring Woman in Film award. Before we talk about the movie and your role as Maia, please introduce yourself. What made you interested in storytelling and how did you[…]
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Kristina, congratulations again on winning the Inspiring Woman in Film award. Before we talk about the movie and your role as Maia, please introduce yourself. What made you interested in storytelling and how did you[…]
Több díjat is begyűjtött már, Halmi Péter Le Collier (A nyaklánc) c. filmje. Előbb az indiai filmgyártás fellegvárában, Bollywoodban, a világ egyik legnagyobb filmfesztiválján két díjat is nyert, majd a Sweden Film Awards-on kapta meg[…]
Thank you for the ‘Inspiration Woman in a Film’ award to the Los Angeles Film Awards! 🙂