Kristina Lorent Goztola is an Award-winning actress and producer. She has an international career in both film and theater industry. She speaks English, French, Italian and Hungarian fluently. In 2022, he founded his own film company in Paris.
What’s the absolutely necessary ingredient to be a good actress?
Commitment to your work. I love every stage of my job. Be it a dress rehearsal or even an analysis of the role with the director.
First and last cinematographic crush?
I’m a fan of classic movies. Like most young girls, I was greatly influenced by Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh.…now I focus on representing on my own style.
How old you were when you decided you wanted to be an actress?
Twelve. I remember the day exactly and of course I had already been to theatre before, then during the performance I realized that this is my path, that’s what I have to do. From then on, I couldn’t even imagine having any other job.
For you a Film is…
Denudation of the soul. As in the case of our new film currently in production. “Soft Floating in the Field of Spheres” directed by Peter Korday, crawls into the deepest recesses of the female soul. It raises questions that we women also face with fear and even often try to avoid. I have worked with Peter Korday many times before and I really enjoyed it. He works precisely and his confidence makes the actor more confident.
What do you feel when you’re acting and producing in the same film?
My soul primarily is that of the actress, however the final decision is made by my profucer self.
It sometimes occurs to me that when we discuss the cast selection, the names of my fellow actors, actresses come to my mind first and foremost. It’s natural, since one likes working with his/her favorite colleagues. One of my English director friends once told me that this is convenient but not reasonable. According to him, the decision made on such a basis stems from a lack of self-confidence on the part of the director and producer.
Audrey Hepburn used to say “Nothing is Impossible”, what do you think about it?
I totally agree with it. My father used to tell me “If xou’re building castle in the air, don’t about bricks”. So, let’s dare to dream big, but don’t forget about enjoying the path leading there as well.
What it feels like to live of your passion?
I’m lucky , that I never had to do any other work. I know a lot of my colleagues have to and I respect them for that. Even though I’m interested in many things, I would suffer if it were not for film and theatre that could fill my life completely.
What’s more important talent or luck?
Both. Talent is essential for a long-term career, however to make the big jump, you need to be in the right place at the right time.
You must go to a desert island but you can bring with you just one movie…
Dead Poets Society with Robin Williams and Mr. Bean’s Holiday with Rowan Atkinson.
Have you ever accepted a part even if you didn’t like the project?
No never. Not even as a novice actress.
What’s the best compliment you have received about your Job?
It’s a nice story that a few years ago I was walking down the street in Rome a man started following me and stopped me. He gave me his business card because he is a film agent and I must hecome an actress. I smiled and said it was late because I already am, and already have representation.
Are you satisfied about your career?
I’m satisfied with my life but I always strive for maximalism at work….. so if I take it that way, I’m eternally dissatisfied.
Do you have a good luck charm?
I’m still waiting for it…
Which is the worst moment on set ?
A few years ago the pandemic balked my plans as well.
How do you feel when a job you’ve been part of it’s ending?
It’s a bad feeling when a shoot ends. We often work together for 8-10 hours a day for a common goal and than suddenly it’s over. Sometimes we make friends, but life drags us on because you may be shooting in another country in a few months later.
If you should win an Oscar your first thought would go to…
To my parents and to my fantastic masters in Los Angeles and London.
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